Geoplanning news

23 September 2022

La guía, que marca un cambio de cultura, nace con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de los estudios geotécnicos y a la vez dignificar la profesión con la creación de la figura del consultor de geotecnia. Una guía de buenas prácticas que destaca por su transversalidad y la interdisciplinariedad[...]

Geoplanning realiza el estudio geotécnico en el río Ebro

Geoplanning ha realizado el estudio geotécnico en el río Ebro

9 June 2021

Geoplanning ha realizado el estudio geotécnico para saber si el terreno del cauce derecho del río podría aguantar una grúa de 300 toneladas para retirar el monumento del río Ebro en su paso por Tortosa.[...]

Hormigón con fibras

El uso de hormigones reforzados con fibras (HRF) es cada vez más habitual en el sector de la construcción

21 April 2021

El uso de hormigones reforzados con fibras (HRF) es cada vez más habitual en el sector de la construcción, sobre todo para mejorar su comportamiento frente a la fisuración superficial o como mejora en su comportamiento al fuego.[...]

Arnau de Vilanova
9 March 2021

Infraestructuras de la Generalitat de Cataluña (ICAT) ha adjudicado a Applus Norcontrol, SLU & Geoplanning, Estudios Geotécnicos, SL (UTE) el contrato de servicios para la asistencia técnica del control de calidad conjunta de las obras de Ampliación y reforma del bloque Quirúrgico del Hospital[...]

Geoplannin perfora 768 metros
29 January 2021

Uno de los proyectos en los que está trabajando Geoplanning consiste en la reperforación de sondeos para piezómetros profundos en un proyecto de minería metálica en el Bierzo (León). Geoplanning ha alcanzado en uno de ellos los 768 metros de profundidad sin desviaciones respecto a la cavidad[...]

16 November 2020

AENOR certifica nuestro laboratorio adquirido recientemente, bajo la denominación comercial ICEC by GEOPLANNING, con el sistema de gestión de la calidad conforme la norma ISO 9001:2015.[...]

GEOPLANNING compra el laboratorio ICEC Control Calidad de Obras

De esta adquisición nace la nueva marca comercial ICEC by GEOPLANNING

8 October 2020

GEOPLANNING refuerza su presencia leridana con la adquisición de la empresa ICEC CONTROL CALIDAD DE OBRAS S.L. con la experiencia de 36 años de experiencia en el sector.[...]

RL 1000 de Rolatec
1 July 2020

Geoplanning en su apuesta por la innovación adquiere una nueva máquina de sondeos RL-1000. Se trata de la máquina más potente de Rolatec que actualmente opera en España, capaz de perforar hasta 1000 metros de profundidad.[...]

16 March 2020

Interempresas publica, en su blog especializado de minería y perforación, un reportaje sobre la industria minería del futuro reflexionando sobre la responsabilidad con los trabajadores, en el entorno y la apuesta por la revolución industrial del sector mineria.[...]

Formación La Ponderosa
25 January 2019

Drilling specialists Sonic from Holland trained the company's staff.[...]

Institut mollerussa Lérida

Geoplanning collaborates with an excavations and surveying trade school in Mollerussa, Lleida

9 May 2018

The company Geoplanning, leader and pioneer in the implementation of sonic technology in Spain, collaborates in the vocational training of excavations and drillings at the Mollerussa Institute, in Lleida. Ramón Codina, director of Geoplanning, has participated in some theoretical & practical sessions[...]

Sondeos en emplazamientos complejos

At Geoplanning we conduct surveys in complex locations and in areas of difficult access. Check it out

26 March 2018

En At Geoplanning we are specialized in carrying out surveys in complex locations. Nothing stops us. If you need to hire our professional services, please contact us.[...]

Geoplanning siempre presente en las obras de gran magnitud
6 April 2017

In this case, at a housing development promotion in Lleida City. Geoplanning has carried out the geotechnical studies on the most important housing projects of the past few years in Lleida.[...]

25 January 2017

Interempresas has published, in its specialized mining and drilling blog, an interview with our manager Ramón Codina to learn of the advantages in Sonic Drilling (new concept in drilling), its implementation and the upcoming projects of the company. Please find the interview at the following link: [...]

24 January 2017

The leading Spanish portal in the technical sector for urban projects (Obras Urbanas) has published a technical article to publicize the novelty of Sonic technology in our country. The article describes the advantages of this technique, the different applications and the future direction of the company. Please find the[...]

19 December 2016

Technicians from Geoplanning have been trained in the AEQT course of the Chemical Business Association of Tarragona to work in, and access, the high-risk chemical industry, such as Repsol or Dow Chemical. Our professionals receive specific cross-sectional training in order to offer an added-value service in geotechnical and[...]

27 October 2016

Geoplanning’s redesigned logo incorporates elements that link our professional experience with others to project the company’s future. The upgraded name brand maintains the corporate color and typesetting that identify its trajectory and adds waves as a symbol of innovation and a new business case. The image[...]

17 October 2016

Geoplanning has recently acquired a Sonic drilling machine. This technology, new to Spain, improves the extraction of soil samples with better quality and speed, allows for high quality core samples to be obtained, and guarantees 100% sample gathering in all types of terrains. Drilling with Sonic technology represents[...]

14 October 2016

Geoplanning, with its commitment to innovation, has created two social media accounts on LinkedIn and on YouTube, adding to the company’s already existing Facebook account. The objective in the implementation of the social media lies in the need to readily communicate the company’s latest services as well as to[...]

8 July 2015

GEOPLANNING, SL was awarded the Barcelona Municipal Infrastructures’ project entitled "Geotechnical investigation for the development of the preliminary studies of the Ronda de Dalt, between the Alfons Comín Square, and the Nudo de la Trinidad, Lot 2: Avenida Jordà - Pare Mariana Street,” for the amount[...]

12 January 2015

SERVIÀ CANTÓ (FCC group) awards GEOPLANNING the geotechnical research project for the expansion of its quarry in Calonge, with soundings up to 120 meters deep.[...]

23 October 2014

Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya awarded GEOPLANNING, SL the project entitled "Technical assistance for the publishing of preliminary reports on building projects. Clau: EG11" for the amount of €83,154.09[...]

7 July 2014

DRAGADOS subcontracts GEOPLANNING to conduct a drilling operation to build a reservoir in Racibórz, Poland.[...]

21 August 2013

The L1 Consortium in charge of designing the L1 project for the Bogotá Metro awarded JG Consultores en Geotecnia SAS (Geoplanning’s subsidiary in Colombia) part of the project's geotechnical development project.[...]

23 April 2013

Geoplanning begins its internationalization in the South American market, explicitly in Colombia, through the creation of a new subsidiary (the result of the sum of three companies)[...]

15 July 2010

Geoplanning, with the addition of the Control 7 laboratory (Grupo Elsamex), purchase 100% of the shares of Geotecnia’s and Control de Qualitat SA’s laboratory.[...]



  Avda Can Noguera 11, Nave 1,
Abrera, 08630, (Barcelona)

  937 738 740

COLABORACIÓN EN LA OCUPACIÓN DE JÓVENES MENORES DE 30 AÑOSEsta actuación está impulsada y subvencionada por el Servicio Público de Ocupación de Cataluña y financiada por el Fondo Social Europeo como parte de la respuesta de la Unión Europea a la pandemia de COVID-19.

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